15 August 2011

happy birthday to me!


[what virgin atlantic sent me this morning. I got a kick out of it.]


10 August 2011

happy [early] birthday to me

guess what I just bought?

you know. for grad school.

totally necessary.

yup yup.

not at all superfluous.

nope nope.


4 August 2011




or, here in bethany world, the following:

685 billion bars of Ritter Chocolate
171 billion 12 packs of Smuttynose Pale Ale
120 billion fabric covered classics books
1.7 billion new (high-end) mac books
92 million times through my masters education
34 million nights of partying in the fully rented out country of Liechtenstein.

38 years worth of the gross national income of Kenya (to bring the point home)



2 August 2011

this here's the point where we hope and pray that the double and triple checked visa applications currently on their way to nyc are, in fact, correct...


1 August 2011

today I stole back the good red pen in the office.

today is a looking up.
