13 October 2011

hello everybody who reads this, (hi mom!)

I am not dead.
just really freaking busy.
like, more busy than I think I've ever been in my entire life.

just wanted to, you know, clear that up.

so what have I been doing?
let's see.

traveling to london.
attempting to find a flat for ben and I.
failing to find a flat for ben and I.
doing a bit of traveling around the south-east of england.
attempting to find a flat for ben and I and three other people.
failing to find a flat for ben and I and three other people.
attempting to enroll at grad school.
almost failing to enroll at grad school.
enrolling at grad school.
attempting to find a flat for ben and I and one other person.
going to grad school orientation.
helping sam and peter pack up their flat before they move.
finally finding a flat for ben and I and one other person (!)
helping sam and peter put all their stuff into storage.
moving all our stuff way the hell down south of the river.
starting grad school proper.
moving all out stuff way the hell north of the river. (into aforementioned flat)
picking up two fluffy cats. (that was a long loud car ride...)
moving all the stuff out of storage and into aforementioned flat.
reading an f$%* lot of stuff for grad school.
unpacking roughly 56,000 boxes of stuff.
picking up our first fruit and veg box scheme allotments. (more on this later)
fighting with the british banking system.
putting together a powerpoint presentation on my hometown.
more (ever so much more) reading.

you know.
just a few things.

but I am having a blast.
grad school is awesome.
and I really did miss this city.
it's good to be back.

and, for a few updates, I actually have read about 8 more books since I last wrote on my quest. (no way in hell am I going to get to 100 this year btw, pretty much all of my reading time is going to be taken up by coursework, but I suppose considering the circumstances, I made a pretty good run at it. we'll have to see what I get to by the end of december.)

also have been keeping track of my nfl picks week to week but won't really have the time to put them up on here.
I can tell you're all heartbroken.
fear not! I will post my record at the end of the regular season.

and now on to the really exciting stuff!
fresh and locally grown fruit and veg.
we signed up for our box scheme again and picked up our first batch last friday. just picked up the send one a couple of hours ago.

we've decided to start a blog (cause that's how these things work. don't have enough time to maintain one blog? start another one!) to document everything that comes in the pick-ups, the awesome recipes they give us with the weekly newsletters, and anything new and exciting we try in the kitchen with our weekly stash.

so go visit us over a a carrot, an apple, and a beetroot walk into a bar.
or, as it's known around the flat, "what's in the box?"

go for the wit, stay for the food.


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