15 October 2009

bout damn time

the office has finally gotten a recycling system! they go through way too much paper here, and previously everything just got thrown away. I proposed one recycling company, it was deemed "too expensive" by the principle, but then a co-worker found another one that we are trying on a trial basis (I have a feeling the second it starts getting "too expensive" as well, it's gone, but progress!) starting today.

it's exciting :)

course some people are not using it (throwing out cardboard cause the cardboard bin is a while flight of stairs away, or throwing rubbish in the paper recycle bins, or just continuing to throw out the paper even though the recycle bin is RIGHT THERE) and I think they are doing it just to be ornery and difficult, cause that's the default mode for most people in this office.

it doesn't help that the girl who found the system and is implementing it is viewed as the office nazi, so I thank some people are purposefully not using just to piss her off.

balanced, cooperative and smoothly functioning this place is. yup yup.

but, like I said, progress!

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