15 July 2010

a few observations from my day thus far.

1. remember when I saw a woman painting her nails on the bendy bus, and I though that was bold? what I saw this morning tops that.
I saw a woman applying on mascara on the bendy bus.
have you ever been on a bendy bus? I swear those things are purposely built without shock absorbers. I've seen little kids, elderly people and teenagers alike thrown to the floor when the bus turns, stops, hits a speed bump or a bug flies into the windshield. a little nail polish where you didn't intent to put it? not that big a deal. a mascara brush forcefully jabbed into your eye? quite a bit more so.
nail polish lady was bold.
mascara lady is insane.

2. I put a little stat counter html code into my blogs, just to see if anybody reads them. so far we have a lot of people who somehow stumble onto the page and stay for approximately 0 seconds; and my mom. but a neat little extra is even if the person looks at your page and thinks "nah...", if they clicked on a referring link to get there this program will tell you what it is. one person clicked through to my blog after googling "dorky mood".


my blog is the first thing that is listed in the whole entire wide interwebs when you google "dorky mood"!

I have never been so proud.

3. my umbrella closely resembles the upholstery on the metropolitan line.


  1. I commend you on being #1 on the "dorky mood" search! Obviously, I had to check it out for myself. Now I can say I knew you way back when you weren't #1 on Google.

    PS - I'm the first few links for "Foxy Squirrel" :-)
