23 February 2011

meandered over to Harvard last night to see Stephen Fry accept an award for cultural humanism (which, apparently, means 'good without god', sort of a system for atheists, agnostics and the like. think Enlightenment, part two [electric bugaloo]).

I had no draw towards the humanism aspect (in fact, up until the introductory speaker, I thought it was an award in cultural humanitarianism), but I absolutely adore Stephen Fry. his films, his shows, his books, his incredible intelligence, his wit. everything.

if he wasn't twice my age and gay, I'd [somehow] attempt to seduce him.

so even though his talk on humanism, knowledge, wisdom, science, nature, humanity and such related topics was eloquent, well argued and raised excellent discussion both in the audience and in my own thinking, the following excerpt was my absolute favourite [in honorary british spelling mode] part of the evening.

it can be a little difficult to hear because of the [pretty sure it's a cell phone] video and all the laughter, so here is the song in full uninterrupted mode:

absolutely brilliant.

[and if you can't get video on your computer, here is an mp3.
btw, notice the gchat image off the the right. 
she personally knows adam savage.
of the myth busters.
of the most awesome science/blow stuff up/horrible puns/geeky cute duo on tv.
she got to serenade stephen fry and is bosom buddies with a myth buster. I officially want to be/be best friends with this girl.]


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